Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sweet & Flighty

Summer is the busy season at work- it's hectic with the client and party after party with vendors. I barely have time to cook dinner let alone run to the grocery store. So when I made the sugar cookies the other week, I was horrified at the idea of throwing away three egg whites- I didn't have enough ingredients to make any pie (if only I was so lucky), but meringues popped into my head, so meringues I made :) 
If a meringue could be a guy, he would have to be french- it wouldn't be an option. He would be smaller in stature, sweet and fun, easy to be around- no trouble at all. You couldn't date him- he would be too flighty and unreliable, but he'd always be excited to see you and always add a little pow! to whatever you're doing.

I couldn't find a recipe that made me happy, so I made this one up based on a few others (most notably from BHG Cookbook (again)):
3 egg whites(leftover from the perfect sugar cookies)
1/4 t cream of tartar
1/4 t vanilla
1/8 t salt
3/4 c sugar
Preheat oven to 200F (yes, 200, these babies bake for 90 minutes). Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and set aside.  In a large bowl beat the egg whites, cream of tartar, vanilla and salt until soft peaks form (medium speed).  Gradually add sugar - about a tablespoon or so at a time until stiff peaks form.
Normally you fill a pipping bag and pipe them onto the cookie sheet, but my bag was not cooperating that day, so I just dolloped them onto the sheet- as long as they have the nice tip and round shape, you're good to go.
Bake for 90 minutes (I took mine out 10 minutes early because I was running late for a party and they turned out fine).

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