Sunday, April 17, 2011

Boy Besties

Not all guys are duds- some are fabulously fabulous friends that you adore and don't ever get bored of- they are always up for a Sunday Funday or will try that new bbq and whiskey restaurant you want to go to but all of your girlfriends hate whiskey or bbq (how this is possible is anyone's guess). They also are amazing at giving you good new music- some are friends from work, some friends from high school and some that you just picked up along the way- but they provide you with some of the best new (or classic) music that you could hope for- like rap music months before it hits mainstream (who doesn't feel cool knowing all the words to a supposedly new song?) or they tell you to listen to Astral Weeks (Van Morrison) when you just need to wind down.  They are 100% drama-free and never take you for granted.

Some are peanuts (note- apparently calling a guy you are dating 'peanut' can be construed at demeaning or unmanly...  I know, I know, I was as shocked as you are)- peanuts are usually smaller in stature and perfect gentlemen (yes, they can be fratty and fun, but at heart, they are the guys that you wish you had a friend to set them up with) and someone you could never date. Peanutty Peanuts are just those friends that you love being around- they are unassuming and sweet- smart and darling. Again, most guys don't appreciate this description so I keep it to myself and file them away as 'darling peanuts angels'.

I made the mistake of calling a guy I dated (to be discussed in a later post) peanut and angel. As he was still taller than me when I wore my six-inch-leg-crippling-foot-punishing pumps, I can understand him not loving the whole peanut moniker- but angel? That was a little depressing to find out.

Buddies are a blast- you watch basketball with your buddy, you can grab a burger with your buddy (if he gets it medium-well or ::gasp:: well-done, rethink this friendship) and most importantly, you can kick your buddy's buddy's butt in a chugging contest without fear of any judgement- more likely just jealously.  Buddy's are great for cookouts (they man the grill (well they actually own the grill, too- which is vital for a cookout)).

Boy Besties- who doesn't love a boy bestie? You can ask them all of your questions or just vent about annoyances about duds and they will give you feed back (though sometimes it's definitely not what you want to hear)- they are all of the great and wonderful things that a friend can be and provide zero drama and unconditional love (in their own boy-bestie kind of way- note, this is drastically different than girl friends- boy besties usually show their love by always being DTP and RTR (ready to rage).

These guys can be thought of as chocolate chip cookies, snickerdoodles, or most accurately (on the thought of sweets) cake batter truffles. 
Cake batter truffles are small delicious morsels of magic that taste like heaven and take about five seconds to make.  Much like a guy friend, they are easy, fun, make you smile and are great at parties.

Cake Batter Truffles (adapted from "The Girl Who Ate Everything")
1 ½ cups flour
1 cup yellow cake mix
½ cup unsalted butter, softened
½ cup white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon salt
3-4 Tablespoons milk
2 Tablespoons sprinkles
Truffle Coating:
16 ounces (8 squares) almond bark (or white candy melts)
4 Tablespoons yellow cake mix

Beat together butter and sugar using an electric mixer until combined. Add cake mix, flour, salt, and vanilla and mix thoroughly. Add 3 Tablespoons of milk or more if needed to make a dough consistency (I ended up added more than a fourth of a cup of milk- just add until it comes together). Mix in sprinkles by hand. Roll dough into one inch balls and place on a parchment or wax paper lined cookie sheet. Chill balls in the refrigerator for 15 minutes to firm up- I tossed them in the freezer because they were a little too soft to work with.
While dough balls are chilling, melt almond bark in the microwave in 30 second intervals until melted. Stir between intervals. Once melted, quickly stir in cake mix until incorporated completely. Using a fork, dip truffles into almond bark and shake of excess bark by tapping the bottom of the fork on the side of your bowl. Place truffle back on the cookie sheet and top with sprinkles. Repeat with remaining balls until finished.  As I found out, do NOT reheat the truffle covering with the cake mix in it- it melts unevenly and doesn't provide the nice shiny coating you want.

Chill cake batter truffles in the refrigerator until serving. Makes around 24-30 truffles.

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