Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Tart Herself

I love all food. I will try anything twice (once is never enough) and usually add it to my "ohmygosh this is delish" list of foods.  There are some things that I won't ever crave (brussel sprouts- cliche, I know, but it doesn't mean I won't eat them) or things I prefer not to have (fish with bones- mainly because I want to savor my food and not fight for it).  But really, I love all food. 
I am usually a neutral person when it comes to meeting someone new. I try to lean to the positive side, thinking that everyone can bring *something* to the table... granted there are some people you love the second you meet- they either remind you of your long lost best friend or are the daughter of a Nebraskan meat farmer (this would be my ideal bff) and others you dislike (they remind you of the girl your ex cheated on you with- irrational, but you can't help it!). 
People can go up (and they usually do) or they can plummet- it can take weeks or months to figure out where someone sits, or it can take hours.
As we've now established that I love food and I like (most) people... what's the point? The point is that a lot of the people I don't like haven't done anything to me. But that is the point- they haven't done anything. They are a dud. A person can be a dud for any of the following reasons:
- they don't call/text you back
- their conversational skills are limited to where bitsy and kent are getting married and how they stayed in last weekend because their 'sig other' was too busy to go out with them 
-they rely on anyone other than themselves to have fun
-for males- they use more than one ! in a text, i.e. Hey! What do you think you're doing later today? Do you want to hang out?! I'd love to see you! Let's hang out! That would be fun! Let me know if you can hang! Text or call me back! Whatever's easier!  (sadly, that's a real text...)
-people that make excuses for things that don't need it (the guy that sent the above text is 26 and was telling us how he doesn't go out that much any more because 'he's old now'- in what world is 26 old? he's not old, he's just a dud)
-Anyone with a lackluster personality (someone that you would rather have NOT talk then listen to them and for me silence is almost never golden)
There are other types of people, we all know people that drive you crazy and if you never saw again, that'd be too soon.  Duds aren't like that because they don't ignite that kind of passion.
There are the weirdos that we all know- this is a large category and pretty much anyone can fall into it, but the main culprits are people that facebook chat you at all hours of the day to ask 'hey how have you been? it's been a long time', weirdos can also be guys that tell you they cheated on their ex girlfriend dozens of times, but it was ok because she got fat (how, oh how could someone ever actually say this?!)  There are plenty more types of weirdos, like the guy that you met once, hung out with all night and then told you he was having an out of God moment and was going back to Cali next week. Then he texted you asking you to come visit him (um what?).
There are fillers- people that are... nice- not much more than that. They are the fake green grass in an Easter basket. You need the grass to keep everything else in place, but it's interchangeable to the other colors or even tissue paper. You can toss it if you get a smaller basket or add more if the basket's huge (but then you'd def want more treats).  These people are good at parties or events when you need a certain number- they are even good on weekend trips- they don't cause drama and go with the flow.
Value Adds- Usually friends of friends and people that you don't know very well- they are any of the following funny, energetic, generous, wild, passionate, big drinkers, crazy, good planners have connections or are just all around fabulously fun.
Sadly, most of the guys that we date seem to fall into the dud category. While they are duds, there is something about them that stood out to us in the first place. Some duds you won't ever hear about because they didn't even make the cut, but other guys need their story told, and how better to tell it than through food? and who better to tell it than the Tart Next Door?

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